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E.B. Wilson Columbia University
L-R Eberhardt, Richard Huettner, Robert Huettner, Harriet & Bill Sturtevant
Camping on the Elizabeth Islands. Lunch. Note canoe in background
E.B. Wilson with Richard (L) and Robert (R) Huettner. Dr. Wilson was using crutches at this time due to severe arthritis. He was also suffering from hypertension.
Wedding - Lancefield Johnson Schrader
Mary Huettner (L) in canoe, others unknown
Portrait of Morgan with glasses reading papers, not looking at camera
Richard Huettner, son of the photographer, standing in the doorway of the Bell Tower, 1930
Drs. Huettner (R) and Alfred H. Sturtevant (L), both on the staff of Columbia University Zoology Department, collecting specimens on the Elizabeth Islands. Note home-made shelter.
Portrait of Morgan as above but without reading glasses and looking at camera
Alfred H. Sturtevant and Alfred F. Huettner standing by their canoe. Canoeing was a favorite pastime during that era.
Turnaround at Nobska Light 1918. This road was a dirty way and not connected to Surf Drive until a later date,
