Manwell sitting on a bench reading some documents.
T. Y. Chen sitting at a table with a microscope sitting in front of him.
Shiro Esaki sitting at a table with a microscope in front of him. Various glassware and instruments can be seen against the wall behind him.
Vintilla Ciocaltau sitting at a desk in front of a microscope. Also on the is a book and various glassware and on the wall behind him are shelves with books.
M. J. Sirks sitting on a stool in front of a door.
B. Unger sitting down with a microscope in front of him on a table.
L. Sribyatta sitting at a desk examining a book. Behind him are other workers sitting together.
Radi sitting at a lab bench with a microscope and his two hands placed on a sheet of paper.
Fischer sitting at a desk clustered with equipment and papers.
Kathleen Robertson sitting at a lab bench with a light bulb and several other pieces of lab equipment.
Gojdics sitting at a lab bench working with a microscope.
Griswold is sitting at a lab bench in front of a microscope and several pieces of lab equipment.