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Report on distibution by rank of 1988 summer investigators at MBL
Trinkaus's absract for "Directional Cell Movement During Morphogenesis: Possible Mechanisms."
Acknowledgements section for John P. Trinkaus' autobiography, "Embryologist"
Front cover of the John P. Trinkaus autobiography, "Embryologist"
Chapter 6 of John P. Trinkaus' autobiography, "Embryologist"
Chapter 8 of John P. Trinkaus' autobiography, "Embryologist"
Chapter 9 of John P. Trinkaus' autobiography, "Embryologist"
Chapter 10 of John P. Trinkaus' autobiography, "Embryologist"
Title page, copyright information, and dedication for John P. Trinkaus' autobiography, "Embryologist"
Chapter 7 of John P. Trinkaus' autobiography, "Embryologist"
The autobiography of developmental biologist John Philip Trinkaus
