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Report on distibution by rank of 1988 summer investigators at MBL
Trinkaus's absract for "Directional Cell Movement During Morphogenesis: Possible Mechanisms."
Acknowledgements section for John P. Trinkaus' autobiography, "Embryologist"
Front cover of the John P. Trinkaus autobiography, "Embryologist"
Chapter 6 of John P. Trinkaus' autobiography, "Embryologist"
Chapter 8 of John P. Trinkaus' autobiography, "Embryologist"
Chapter 9 of John P. Trinkaus' autobiography, "Embryologist"
Chapter 10 of John P. Trinkaus' autobiography, "Embryologist"
Title page, copyright information, and dedication for John P. Trinkaus' autobiography, "Embryologist"
Chapter 7 of John P. Trinkaus' autobiography, "Embryologist"
The autobiography of developmental biologist John Philip Trinkaus
Editor's Preface to John P. Trinkaus' autobiography, "Embryologist". Preface written by Kurt Johnson, Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology, George Washington University School of Medicine
