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Danforth is seated at a table looking into a microscope. There is a shelf and a notice tacked to the wood-paneled far wall.
Farr sitting next to a microscope sitting on a desk and a large book in his hands.
Stockard is standing in a grass field with his arms folded, facing the camera. There are telephone lines and several buildings visible in the background.
Stockard is seated at a table facing the camera. There are shelves holding various glass beakers in the background.
Willey sitting at a lab bench with a microscope.
Campbell is seated, facing the camera, at a table. There is an open book in front of him, and he holds a pipe in his left hand.
Fish is seated at a desk, holding a pipe in his right hand. There are shelves behind and to the right of him containing a few books. His body is angled to the left of the frame, and he is looking at the camera.
C.L. Liu sitting at a table in front of a microscope.
Parmenter is standing in front of a shingled building with his hands behind his back. The buildingճ window is directly behind his head and he is looking toward the right frame of the photograph.
Yntema is seated at a desk, with an open container of glass slides and a microscope with three objectives. He is looking at the camera, his body angled slightly to the left of the frame, his right arm resting on the desk. There is a closed door with a glass pane in the background.
Prosser writing on a document at a desk with several other documents.
Lefevre is standing in front of the steps of a stone building with his hands in his pockets. He is looking toward the left frame of the photograph.
C.M. Cheer sitting at a desk examining a fluid in a flask. He is holding the flask in his left hand, a pencil in his right, and on the table in front of him are various papers and a large book.
Sparrow is sitting in a chair next to his desk. He has a book in his lap with his right elbow placed on it while his right hand is holding a cigar to his lip.
Palmer seated at a work bench in front of a three objective microscope. His right hand is on the focusing knob, and he is looking up and facing the camera.
Moore sitting at his lab bench writing. Next to him on the lab bench is a microscope.
Plunkett standing on the side of a street while holding a pipe to his mouth.
C.R. Stockard (left), W.E. Carrey (center), and Robert Chambers (right) are all standing in front of a building, leaning against a fence. Stockard is wearing a dark colored suit with a tie, Carrey is wearing a tanned colored suit, and Chambers is wearing a dress shirt with a bow tie.
French is seated at a desk with a pen in his right hand, looking down at a piece of paper in front of him. He is oriented slightly towards the left of the frame.
Lucas is seated at a worktable, looking into a microscope. Her body is oriented to the left of the frame. On the table to her left, in the foreground, are two corked dark-colored bottles, a notebook, and a pen.
Merrill and Tracey standing outside in front of a tree
Morrill and Tracy are standing in front of a pole and bush. One is smoking a pipe and wearing a hat, while the other is standing with his right hand in his pocket and left hand on his belt.
Taylor is wearing a suit, and sitting at his lab bench in front of a microscope. He is looking off into the distance.
Dr. Parmenter standing outside in front of a building with his hands folded behind his back.
