Letter to Trinkaus requestng a copy of the syllabus for his freshman biology course
Letter to Trinkaus thanking him for his paper, "Mechanisms of Morphogenetic Movements"
Letter to Trinkaus to thank him for his guest lecture, "Aging and Immortality," signed "A BIO II Student"
Letter to Trinkaus requesting a copy of his paper on Fundulus blastoderms and epiboly
Letter to Trinkaus thanking him for providing premedical evaluations for students
Letter to Trinkaus informing him about a position at the Wistar Institute
Photocopy of typed document
Letter to Trinkaus from student asking questions about med school
Letter to Trinkaus from student worrying about his project
Photocopy of typed document
Letter to Trinkaus telling him about a promising student
Letter to Trinkaus telling him about his paper on Ilyanassa and thanking him for his mentorship in Woods Hole