Whitman's lecture
The latest news about the troops, President Harrison's day, the weather, congressional meetings, the inauguration, meetings, hospital cases, and other news.
Reports about the letter he mailed to Wilson and Morgan, in which he says that the individuality of the MBL is sacred.
Whitman relates to Conklin a meeting he had with several others. The group was evenly divided as to whether to accept the Carnegie proposition.
Lillie responding to the previous letter concerned with his promotion.
Looking at the construction of the Hull Biological Laboratories
The MBL and the study of Embryology
Miss Culver's present
The desire to maintain the laboratory and requesting the support of the Carnegie Institution.
Asks Conklin a favor: Whitman will not be able to arrive to Woods Hole when the course starts, and offers Conklin $100 extra pay to replace him.
Discusses the future of the MBL and says it should be independent and should not abandon the ship to the Carnegie ownership.
Discusses a misunderstanding on some letters that Conklin had sent, of which he apparently had not preserved any copies.