Part of To Francis Otto Schmitt from The Schmitty Verein, May 1941
On his teaching appointment in 1968. On frog collecting in Puerto Rico.
Typed letter, 2 pages
Proposing a manuscript by Stefanelli on Mauthner cells for the Quarterly Review of Biology.
Discussion of planned article in Quarterly Review on morphogenesis of limbs, personal life
Part of To Francis Otto Schmitt from The Schmitty Verein, May 1941
Thank you for book. General updates
On his recent Ambylstoma experiments.
On his upcoming travel to Europe.
On Hamburger's introduction to the reprint of Jane Oppenheimer's 1941 article on the Non-Homology of Germ Layers in the 50th Anniversary Volume of the Quarterly review of Biology.
Thank you for reprints. Travel update
On Twitty's autobiographical manuscript, particularly on the parts related to Spemann. Note on Bill Ballard's monograph of Amblystoma.