Handwritten letter, 3 pages
discussion of job
Telling Skoff he has got the job as Hamburger's research assistant
Private letter. Mainly on her family.
Private letter. Mainly on her family.
Private letter. Has some remarks on Nazi victims in his family and Holocaust. On Zionism in Palestine. On Darwin's principle of the survival of the fittest and its political implications.
Private letter. Has message by Gertrud 'Trudl' Wiehen.
On Willier's Biographical Memoir Note by Watterson for the Academy of Science.
Attached draft version of 10-page interview with Viktor Hamburger in German language (dated June 12 - June 16, 1998) on Weiss, Bertalanffy, Driesch, Spemann, Levi-Montalcini, Sperry, Kuehn, Roux, Portmann and Delbrueck and their relationship to Viktor Hamburger.
Research questions on Paul Weiss. On her research plans regarding Paul Weiss, Nikolaus Rashevsky & Water Elsasser.
Congratulations on Nobel Prize.