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Emeritus Professor in Cell and Molecular Biology at Northwestern University, Laszlo Lorand, discusses his early years at the Marine Biological Laboratory, the impact that the institution has made on his personal and professional lives, and working with Nobel Prize winner Albert Szent-Györgyi.
Manager of the Marine Resources Center at the Marine Biological Laboratory, David Remsen, reflects on his early experiences at the MBL.
Professor of Biology at Williams College, Steven Zottoli, discusses his early years at the MBL and his research career.
Professor of Physiology and Biophysics at Weill Cornell Medical College, Bernice Grafstein, talks about her research career, her experiences with the Grass Foundation and as a student at the MBL Embryology course, and what it has been like to be a woman in science.
Professor emerita at University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Ann Stuart, discusses her early years at the MBL, her research, and what it has been like to be a woman in science.
Director of the Bell Center, Senior Scientist, and Deputy Director of Research and Programs at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Jonathan Gitlin, discusses his research career, the importance of science for society, the importance of the MBL, and the recent University of Chicago-MBL affiliation.
Emeritus Professor of Neurobiology at Duke University, John Moore, discusses his experiences at the MBL and how he helped to discover the action of tetrodotoxin (a toxin found in puffer fish) on nerves.
Administrator of Research and Programs at the MBL, Jane MacNeil, discusses her history with the MBL, including the work that she has done with cell biologist Shinya Inoué.
Senior scientist at The Ecosystems Center, MBL, Gus Shaver, talks about his experiences at the MBL and how he got into ecosystems ecology.
Distinguished Scientist and Senior Scholar at the Ecosystems Center, Marine Biological Laboratory, John Hobbie, discusses his research and the history of the Ecosystems Center.
Honorary Professor at the Institute Pasteur and Collège de France, Jean-Pierre Changeux, discusses his discovery of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, his work on brain development, and the time he spent working with Jacques Monod.
Honorary Professor at the Institute Pasteur and Collège de France, Jean-Pierre Changeux, discusses his education and work with Jacques Monod.
