Correspondence & Documents
Request for letter of recommendation for Watterson for chair position at the biological department of University of New Mexico.
Congratulations and suggesting a name reference.
The desire to maintain the laboratory and requesting the support of the Carnegie Institution.
Typed letter, 1 page
Typed letter, 1 page
Typed letter, 1 page
On Wenger's successful application for a Heermans Fellowshipin 1948-49.
Mr. Grant Smith was selected to work in the Carnegie Lab at the MBL.
Letter informing Trinkaus of his laboratory assignment and fees for 1974 summer, including floor plan, March 22, 1974
Typed document
Requesting a letter of recommendation for Byron S. Wenger.
Letter to Trinkaus, discussing the future of the MBL.
Thank you for letter
Part of To Francis Otto Schmitt from The Schmitty Verein, May 1941, poem: Dirge to a Departing Dynamo