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Correspondence & Documents

Letter of recommendation for Byron S. Wenger for working in Horowitz' laboratory.
Information on drawings and plates, general discussions.
Discussion of lectures planned
states that opacum eggs were shipped
Letter of recommendation for Byron S. Wenger.
Letter regarding Margaret Hollyday and possible post-doc position
Reccomendation to come to Saint Louis for scholarship meeting
On Hamburger's method of mounting embryos in toto in plastic.
On a copy of Coghill's book on loan.
On Weiss' appointment as visiting professor of zoology at Washington University in February, March, April, and, partly May, 1947.
On Weiss' appointment as visiting professor of zoology at Washington University.
On Weiss' appointment as visiting professor of zoology at Washington University in February, March, April, and, partly May, 1947.
On the manuscript of his laboratory manual for universituy of Chicago Press. Short note on five-legged frogs and Weiss' work in the field of nerve regeneration and nerve surgery.
Recommending Rita Levi-Montalcini as a presenter for the Congress of the International Institute of Embryology.
On his present work, the study of isolated lumbo-sacral segments which are transplanted into the coelom without limb buds, and mitotic and nuclear counts in wing extirpation experiments. "I hope to be able soon to take up work on pattern formation."
Invitation to lecture at Washington University.
Request for tantalum foil to insert in early chick embryos. On discrepancies in the mecahnism of sensory and motor hypoplasia.
Thank-you note for samples of tantalum foil for Hamburger's experiments to block the limb from the spinal cord and to insert pieces into a transected spinal cord.
