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Professional Meetings

On the program for the President's Symposium "Problems of Morphogenesis" at the E. Lansing Meetings.
Requesting an invitation for Rita Levi-Montalcini to the International Cell Congress in September. Short note on induction, particularly on Spratt's review in Physiol. Rev.
On the program for the President's Symposium at the E. Lansing Meetings.
On the meeting of the International Institute of Embryology and the Workshop on Developmental Biology in summer 1956.
On an upcoming meeting in Washington on March 18.
On the Growth Society. On Dalcq
Discussions of upcoming meetings and sessions
Unknown author, probably Hamburger but no signature
Arranging a seminar held by Hamburger at the Illinois Department of Zoology.
On the 25th Growth Symposium.
On publishing the papers of the Dallas meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
