Hamburger, Viktor
On the outlines for their book chapter (probably publication on Growth Symposium). On Holtfreter teaching descriptive Embryology and Histoy of Biology. On finding a new home.
On his recent visit at Hamburger's home. On his upcoming teaching and instutional duties in Rochester.
On applying for US immigration visa.
Obtaining collagen
Personnel and the war.
Request to attend National Academy meeting November 10-12
Reminiscence on their personal relationship
On a copy of Coghill's book on loan.
Thank-you note for samples of tantalum foil for Hamburger's experiments to block the limb from the spinal cord and to insert pieces into a transected spinal cord.
On an open position at Urbana and other job opportunities for Wenger in Anatomy.
Discussion of personal life and old grudges, in alternative copy "librarians" in line 5, paragraph 1, was crossed out and replaced with "historians"
Discussion of upcoming National Academy meeting