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Hamburger, Viktor

On Hamburger's review of Needham's 'Biochemistry and Morphogenesis'. On the review process for Sol Spiegelman's manuscript. On Hamburger's summer at Woods Hole.
On his invitation to the Montevideo Miedical School in Uruguay.
Proposal for a lecture on "Mechanisms of Embryonic Induction" and a roundtable discussion on "The Relation of normal development to neoplastic growth".
On his graduate seminar about induction. Invitation for christmas.
On the completion of their book manuscript. On Yamada.
On Pasteel's review of organizer in Bull. Soc. Zool. de France vol 76, 1951.
On christmas and family matters. On his upcoming talk on Neuroembryology at the end of January at the Neurobiological Committee of the NRC in Washington.
Accepting the offer to review Needham's 'Biochemistry and Morphogenesis' for the Quarterly Review of Biology. On staff for the embryology course in Woods Hole. On new results on phosphatase distribution in the nornal chick embryo.
Unable to come to Hamburger's lab this year
Annotations for the final version of their last book chapter.
On Willier's plans to spend the summer in Woods Hole.
