Hamburger, Viktor
Letter of recommendation
Letter of recommendation
Recipent highly likely D. J. O'Kane. Carbon copy of original letter of recommendation for Noden on yellow paper. Attached a list of other recipients.
Letter of recommendation for Donald Wigston for an open position at Case Western Reserve School of Medicine.
Recommendation for C.H. Narayanan
Request for an letter of recommendation for Dr. Mead. On Chicago as "one of the best places for research'.
Letter of recommendation for Donald Wigston. Probably attached a Confidential report for C. J. Martin research fellowship.
Letter of recommendation for Benson Ginsburg.
Letter of recommendation for a position as instructor in general zoology for A. R. Mead. Note on ruling out Annette Eggers for an open position. Short note on Hamilton in Woods Hole and Watterson's visit to Hokins Marine Station. On an appointment offer at University of Chicago to replace DuShane.
Letter of recommendation