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Hamburger, Viktor

On Holtfreter's present situation in Montreal. On his private situation and the situation at the Department of Zoology (F. O. Schmitt became Department Head) at Washington University.
Comments on Barth's book manuscript
John Decker writes to give Hamburger details about himself for a grant supplement
Hamburger writes to John Decker to inform him that the grant supplement for which he had required Decker's information has been sent off, and gives him information about the funding situation. Hamburger also asks Decker to make observations of turtle embryo motility so that it can be compared to that in the chick
Suggestions for collaborators with Dr. Orrego
Discussion about the potential for Brunso-Bechtold to work as a postdoc in Hamburger's lab
Communication about Cairns' housing for the summer in St. Louis
