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Knisley is seated, looking at the camera, his body oriented slightly towards the right of the frame. There is a binocular microscope on a stand on a table in front of him (a dissecting scope, maybe).
Folch-Pi is seated at a table in a high backed chair, with a copy of a book titled “If I Were Dictator” held slightly open as if to save his place. There is a small, shiny figurine on the table in the foregound, and a matchbox (maybe). He is looking at the camera, with his body oriented slightly to the left of the frame. There are photographs, possibly others in this collection, on a frame behind him.
Spek sitting next to a lab bench while holding some papers in his hands.
Krogh working at a lab bench.
Hamburger reading a book placed on a lab bench. Next to her on the lab bench, lies a microscope.
Weissenberg is seated at a table with a microscope with three objectives. There is a large poster with diagrams behind him. He is facing the camera with his body oriented slightly to the left of the frame.
Whiting sitting with an open book in his lap.
Whiting is standing outside against a white house, in the shade of a tree. She is facing the camera with her hands clasped in front of her.
This is a close up shot of Whiting's face and upper torso.
This is a studio shot of Wilber, close on his face and upper torso.
J. Genther sitting at a table with three microscopes sitting in front of her. Behind her on the wall are two shelves with various papers and books.
Three women sitting at a lab bench against a wall conducting experiments.
