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View of brick circle at ground level with ocean and fishing boat in background
A man wrestling with a freshly caught tuna, with several observers.
Fishermen cleaning out the steel cone from the fishing boat.
Professor Kempton working on a dogfish.
Fishermen working on the boat with a pile of fish on the deck.
Fishermen draining and putting away a steel cone from the fishing boat.
A group of men on a fishing boat with a large net.
A group of men watching a net full with fresh catch of fish being emptied onto the boat deck.
Professor Kempton standing in a tank pulling out a dogfish.
Several men lined up along one side of the boat, working together to pull a fishing net out of the water.
Fishermen cleaning out the steel cone from the fishing boat.
Fishermen lined up along the side of the boat with poles in the water. Fishes are seen inside the boat.
