Black and white photo of the Trustees of the Marine Biological Laboratorr taken in front of the Lillie Building in 1939.
Sepia photo of Antonio Amaras (right) and Tuckey (left) posing with a shark outside of the Candle House
Black and white photo of people at Stony Beach. The view looks across Buzzard's Bay towards Penzance Point.
Sepia photo of Walker, Hilton, and Gray unloading a boat into the water
Black and white photo of Paul Conklin next to a boat.
1996 Grass Fellowship Awardees at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Mass.
Black and white phtoto of thirtythree men and one woman (Dr. Cornelia Clapp) in front of the Lillie Building
1989 Grass Fellowship Awardees at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Mass.
Sepia photo of photo of the Trustees of the Marine Biological Laboratory in front of the Lillie Building in 1940.
Black and white photo of people at Stony Gansett Beach sitting on the shore and swimming in the water.
Black and white photo of two men sitting on chairs. The man on the right is Paul Conklin.
Black and white photo of people resting in the shade and on the beach in Tarpaulin Cove, on Naushon Island.