Whitman suggests that the Biol. Bulletin becomes a medium of publication for people involved with the Morphological Society. Kingsley adds to the letter and forwards to Conklin to further discuss the issue.
Reports that he was asked to name a potential zoologist for a hire at McGill and inquires if Conklin is interested.
Congratulates Conklin on the establishment/renovation of the vivarium at the University of Pennsylvania.
Sending a copy of an article by a late professor.
Discusses some of Conklin's papers, including one on the mechanisms on inheritance. He also discusses courses.
Says he won't be able to attend the meeting of the American Philosophical Society. Then talks about summer 1903 at Woods Hole.
Talks about a misunderstanding on whom they should offer a position. Mentions Davenport. Position was offered to Dahlgren.
Announces that he shall explain during the meeting of the Naturalists that he's trying to arrange publications with Ginn & Co.; also discusses Peck's death
Discusses about some revised plates that might have gotten lost and says he will talk to the publisher. Also, discusses Wilson's research ideas.
Discusses plans for a meeting as well as some publications.
Plans for the Journal of Morphology