Suggestions for places for Roberto Narbaitz to study embryology
Letter regarding Hamburger's research and asking Levi about the possibility of Rita Levi-Montalcini visiting his laboratory in St. Louis
Lester Barth informs Hamburger that he is revising his Embryology textbook and asks him for feedback on the text and figures
Letter regarding Hamburger's research and asking Levi about the possibility of Rita Levi-Montalcini visiting his laboratory in St. Louis
Typed letter to Viktor Hamburger
Typewritten letter, 1 page
On Holtfreter's present situation in Montreal. On his private situation and the situation at the Department of Zoology (F. O. Schmitt became Department Head) at Washington University.
Typewritten letter, 1 page
Comments on manuscript
Recommendation for Judy Brunso-Bechtold for being a post-doc at Hamburger's laboratory
Notes regarding draft of publication
Comments on manuscript. Personal updates.