General updates
Part of To Francis Otto Schmitt from The Schmitty Verein, May 1941
Discussion of planned talks to Hamburger's class and in Woods Hole
Questions about research on opacum larvae and discusion of experiments wth young metamorphosed frogs
Part of To Francis Otto Schmitt from The Schmitty Verein, May 1941
Discussion of possible research assistants.
Handwritten letter, 2 pages
Confirmation of results
Handwritten letter, 3 pages
On Sol Spiegelman's manuscript for the Quarterly Review of Biology.
On his upcomig visit at Baltimore.
On his summer course plans for Woods Hole. On his private situation. Second sheet on Holtfreter's planned review on Amphibian embryos, Schmitt's Zipper theory etc. On Roy Gillette. Has critical remarks on Barth's ideas about induction.