On tissue treatment methods.
On his new position as professor of zoology in Illinois, effective September 1, 1961. On his need for an embryologist at his former alma mater Northwestern.
Attached corrected version of 10-page interview with Viktor Hamburger in German language (dated June 12 - June 16, 1998) on Weiss, Bertalanffy, Driesch, Spemann, Levi-Montalcini, Sperry, Kuehn, Roux, Portmann and Delbrueck and their relationship to Viktor Hamburger.
Inquiry for a review of a research propsal by Wenger.
Part of To Francis Otto Schmitt from The Schmitty Verein, May 1941
Note on Hamburger's paper on prehatching motility & hatching behaviour and on her own work on the establishment of lung ventilation etc. Request for reprints of related papers.
Research position description
Discussion of F. O. Schmitt Oral History Project
Discussion of hiring M.G. Brown
Discussion regarding M. G. Brown as a possible job candidate
Position inquiry
Unknown author, probably Hamburger but no signature