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On open positions at Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital of Philadelphia.
Part of To Francis Otto Schmitt from The Schmitty Verein, May 1941
On his experiments on the development of frog eggs, on the new situation at Washington University, on visiting Bancroft at the Physiology Department in Belfast, UK.
On the meeting of the International Institute of Embryology and the Workshop on Developmental Biology in summer 1956.
On his survey for the National Research Council on current and prospective projects in the field of nerve growth and nerve regeneration.
Request for Hamburger to participate in the Schmitt Oral History project
On his plans to visit Hamburger & Willier in St. Louis on January 18 & 19. On the dates for his upcoming seminar at Washington University.
Typewritten letter, 1 page
On upcoming job opportunities for Byron & Eleanor at Illinois.
A signed photo of Max Delbrueck and his family on the beach
Updates on work. Request for recommendation.
