On Weiss' appointment as visiting professor of zoology at Washington University in February, March, April, and, partly May, 1947.
On his present work, the study of isolated lumbo-sacral segments which are transplanted into the coelom without limb buds, and mitotic and nuclear counts in wing extirpation experiments. "I hope to be able soon to take up work on pattern formation."
On sources for Ambystoma eggs. On the completion of the MS of his Manual.
On open positions at Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital of Philadelphia.
Part of To Francis Otto Schmitt from The Schmitty Verein, May 1941, poem: On gurpling to M.I.T.
On the manuscript of his laboratory manual for universituy of Chicago Press. Short note on five-legged frogs and Weiss' work in the field of nerve regeneration and nerve surgery.
On Weiss' appointment as visiting professor of zoology at Washington University in February, March, April, and, partly May, 1947.
Recommending Rita Levi-Montalcini as a presenter for the Congress of the International Institute of Embryology.
writing on behalf of Robert Skoff who is applying for grant
On Weiss' upcoming seminar on "Recent Advances in the Experimental Analysis of Development and Growth" at Washington University.
On Wenger's release from military service and his wish to continue his graduate work at washington University in January 1946.
On Weiss' appointment as visiting professor of zoology at Washington University.